Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Frame by Frame Animation

Summary of the project/Process

The process of making frame by frame animation is quite easy once you set it up. There are 2 ways you could do frame animation. 1, you can get all the frames set up then once your done with that just show and hide the frames you don't need. 2, you could get one object and copy the frame and move it how much you want it, while its not as smooth as the other one its faster and a bit easier on organization because of you saving on frame space.

What I learned

I first know how to do frame by frame animation in photoshop and how to do it well or fast. I also know how to export the videos as a gif or a mp4. 

What Would I Do Differently/the Same?

I wouldn't do much differently, the animation process was pretty simple and easy to replicate, so there isn't much to change about the process, don't fix what isn't broken.

What Experiences Will Enhance My Next Project?

Knowing how to do frame by frame animation would be nice for future projects because frame by frame has more freedom than a timeline video so you can edit any frame you want to do whatever you want.

General thoughts

This project was fun to do and it was fun to make the animations, I liked how we got the chance to make our own surprise in our animation which was cool. But one problem with frame by frame animation is that it takes WAY longer than a timeline, which is to be expected.

Ball bouncing up and down 

Ball bouncing to the right 

Ball bouncing Surprise

Monday, November 6, 2017

10 Words Animation

Summary of the project/Process

What we had to do was start a adobe photoshop document and make a timeline of our 10 words we made about ourselves to move around with flips, speeds, and opacity, we decided when to make them come onto or off the screen dependent to how we wanted it. The limit of the timeline was 5 seconds so it was smart to make them come on by 4 seconds.

What I learned

I now know, after doing the 10 words animation project, how to make very fast and simple animations in photoshop. These types of animations are not the best looking but mostly automated and are probably meant for people who don't entirely know how to animate or doesn't know how to use the program, this project was also solo work.

What Would I Do Differently/the Same?

The project was very easy and not difficult so there isn't anything I would do differently, so I guess I would do everything the same. I might add more content if I ever did something like this on my own time.

What Experiences Will Enhance My Next Project?

The Timeline animation on Photoshop will definitely effect on how I do animation. Timeline animation is a super easy and fast (but not flawless) way of animation something moving from one point to another.

General thoughts

This project was more of a introduction to animation so there really isn't much to go on about it. It was a simple and easy project to get our minds thinking about animation, it was also a warm up for what was in store for the future, and while I thought it was still nice to know about Timeline animating in photoshop it was still a beginning practice.

The 10 Words project:

(Might need to refresh to see the full animation)